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elder law document

How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help You?

The senior citizen population of the United States is increasing rapidly as the baby boomer generation ages, and the influx of international migration continues. Although the US average life expectancy has seen a slight three-year decline, many Americans, men, and…

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handing writing notes with pen

The Differences Between Wills and Trusts

Wills and trusts have specific and quite different benefits for estate planning purposes. Each state has specific laws and regulations governing these legal documents. You can have both a will and a trust; however, the information in each should compliment…

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mother handing key to daughter

Incorporating Family Values as Part of an Inheritance

Successfully addressing and legally formalizing inheritance of family values and assets can be challenging, especially if parents wait too long to begin instilling family values. Undoubtedly the best time to teach and empower your children as eventual inheritors of your…

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Fiduciary duty concept written on a paper

Understanding the Role of a “Fiduciary”

You may be asked to be the power of attorney for a family member or friend. Your person may be planning for when they might become unable to take care of their affairs. For example, they might become disabled or…

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living will declaration

Understanding the Importance of a Living Will

If you are in a life-sustaining medical treatment your living will establish your medical preferences. It is often accompanied by a health-care proxy or power of attorney, which allows someone to make treatment decisions for you if you are incapacitated…

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elderly couple

2020 Planning Trends for Baby Boomers

Americans born 1946-1964 are considered as the baby boom generation, and according to the US Census Bureau (Bureau of Census), their numbers are estimated to be 73 million strong. This number represents nearly 20 percent of the American public. As…

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Mom makes selfie picture photo with big family

How to Plan for a Blended Family

Couples often bring children into a marriage from a prior marriage or union and then have children together. This is often referred to as a blended family. Blended families highlight the need for careful estate planning to make sure the…

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Legal and estate planning documents

Why Your Will is Essential

This type of documents can be essential for your estate plan. Your last will and testament is a set of legal instructions that communicates your wishes regarding your dependents and how to dispose of your property when you die. If…

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Senior couple paying bills together

Why Are Americans in Their 60s and 70s in Debt

Between 2007 and 2010 America experienced its worst financial crisis since the great depression. Known as the subprime mortgage crisis, it happened because home prices fell in 2006, triggering loan defaults. Then the risk spread into pension funds, mutual funds,…

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Sherwood Office

135 Shadow Oaks Drive
Sherwood, Arkansas 72120

Sercy Office

202 N. Locust Street
Searcy, Arkansas 72143

Benton Office

17328 I-30 Suite 5
Benton, Arkansas 72019

Little Rock Office

221 W 2nd Street, Suite 310
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

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