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calculator that says fraud

Preventing Financial Fraud Against Our Elders

Older adults are unlikely to recover from significant financial losses due to fraudsters finding ways to get around existing laws. We must provide them with more tools to protect their financial stability. In earlier decades, fraud schemes by snail mail…

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Elder or dependent adult abuse book and gavel

Prevention and Prosecution Act For Elder Abuse

President Trump signed into law the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act in October of 2017. This bill was designed to combat the growing epidemic of the elderly being taken advantage of financially and abused physically. A study conducted by…

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135 Shadow Oaks Drive
Sherwood, Arkansas 72120

Searcy Office

202 N. Locust Street
Searcy, Arkansas 72143

Benton Office

17328 I-30 Suite 5
Benton, Arkansas 72019

Little Rock Office

221 W 2nd Street, Suite 310
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

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